Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just too tired

I was supposed to go to the Dr's this morning but, when I awoke at 7 am, I was just too tired to even roll over, nevermind get out of bed. I called to make an appointment on Monday. With it being a clinic, I have to wait till Monday to call to make the appointment.

John is off to work, finishing off the roof. He had a bad day yesterday. I'm just glad his son wasn't around all day. He worked too...interesting.

My kids and I had a couple games of basketball and bowling on the Wii this morning. Its so much fun. I really should get back into the yoga I used to do.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Just a bit worried

My Dad is back in the hospital again. Mom says he is doing better today after getting is blood transfusion last night.
He went from not eating or drinking to, now he is sleeping and eating and more energized. I hope he gets out of the hospital soon, by Father's Day at least.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This day is done.

Had dinner, watched Glee, having my evening tea, then off to bed.

Its all in time...

The hamburger is cooked, the potatoes are on, watching Ink Heart with my kids, waiting for John to come home with vegetables for the Shepherds Pie.


Woke up this morning. Could hardly move. My lower back is so sore. Every time I take a deep breathe it hurts so bad. Head ache is gone though..thank goodness. Found my massage, its been living on my back almost all day.

Making shepherds pie for dinner. Yumm. Some will have to peal the potatoes though.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Somethings up.

Went to have a nap, it lasted until 11 00. Got up had a coffee and bowl of soup. Still not feeling all to well. Tired, and just not feeling right, a bid head ache I just can't get rid of and, can't stay out of bathroom today.

A Blaaaa Day

6 am start after a late night, totally by accident. Time just flies when you with good friends.

My back is sore, I'm feeling kind of blue. I feel like something has happened, and I am just waiting for my body to process it. Not sure what, but I'm sure if my brain catches up with the rest of my body, I can figure it out. Stress so much damage to a persons boday, did you know that?

Going back to bed now that I have caught up on all my sites. Maybe I can just sleep this day away. I will post something later tonight, if anything worth telling you happens.